中国的教育体系是一个由教育部(Ministry of Education)管理的国有公共教育系统。所有公民都必须接受9年义务教育。政府提供六七岁开始的小学教育(primary education),持续6年,紧随其后的是为12岁至18岁的孩子准备的六年中学教育。一些省份可能有五年制的小学,但中学则为六年,一般初中为三年,高中为三年。教育部公布的小学入学率为99%,初、高中入学率均为80%。
Education system in China is a state-owned systemof public education run by the Ministry ofEducation.All citizens must accept the compulsoryeducation for nine years.The government providesprimary education for six years,starting at age sixor seven, followed by six years of secondaryeducation for ages 12 to 18.Some provinces may have five-year primary school,but six yearsfor secondary school, including three years for middle school and three years for highschool.The Ministry of Education reported a 99 percent enrollment rate for primary school andan 80 percent for both middle and high schools.