探亲访友 pay a visit to relatives and friends
扫尘 sweep the dust
买年货 buy necessity for Spring Festival
欢度 celebrate... / the celebration of
驱除厄运 get rid of bad luck
年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve
团圆饭 family reunion dinner
团聚 family reunion
红包 red envelope
发红包 hand out red envelopes
美好祝福 good wishes, blessings
中国菜 Chinese cuisine/food
饮食文化 food culture
色香味 color, aroma, and taste
菜系 cooking style
烹饪方法 cooking technique
传统习俗 traditional custom
象征 symbolize/signify
团结 unity
繁荣兴旺 prosperity
仪式 ritual
礼仪 manners
优雅 elegance/elegant
农历 lunar calendar
灯谜 lantern riddles
赏月 enjoy the moon;注意欣赏景色的赏,一般用enjoy