

中国人讲究“ 民以食为天 ”,饺子,就是中华饮食的一个符号。说到饺子,一个不得不 提的习俗就是中国人在春节都要吃它。大年三十夜晚,即“除夕夜 ”,不仅是新旧两天的更 替,也是新旧年岁的更替,中国人管它叫“交子 ”。饺子和“交子 ”正好是谐音,加之其美 好寓意,所以就慢慢形成了在春节吃饺子的习俗。另外,由于“饺 ”谐音“脚 ”,所以在送 别亲友的时候以饺子送行,意味着敬重送别之人,希望客人一路脚踏实地、体力充沛。

For Chinese, “food is the paramount necessity of people”, while dumpling is a symbol of Chinese necessary food. A tradition closely related to dumplings is that Chinese people are used to have dumplings at lunar New Year’s Eve.  Chinese people call the lunar New Year’s Eve as “chú xī”, literally means the night of getting rid of past, representing the transition between the old day and the coming new day, as well as the old year and the coming new year. We name this transition “jiāo zǐ” . Since dumplings, with the Chinese name of “jiǎo zi”, share a very close pronunciation of “jiāo zǐ”, and dumplings have many auspicious meanings, the tradition of eating dumplings at the lunar New Year’s Eve is thereby developed. What’s more, “jiǎo”, the first Chinese character of dumpling,  sounds  the  same  as  foot  (“jiǎo”)  in  Chinese.  So  people  eat  dumplings  at  farewell dinners to show their respect to the traveler, wishing him or her be healthy and energetic during the journey and have a good trip.

以上就是文都四六级整理的2023年12月英语六级翻译模拟题,希望大家掌握了方法,给自己定下目标,然后立即开始勤加练习。更多备考信息,请关注文都教育 四六级网站。
