

画蛇添足是一个出自中国民间故事的成语,现在常用来比喻自作聪明,做了多余的事不 但没有得到好处,反而把事情办糟了。相传,楚国(State Chu)有一群人喝酒,但一壶酒却 不够大家分,便有人提议比赛画蛇,谁先画好这壶酒就归谁喝。有一个人画得很快,为了展 示自己技艺高超,于是继续开始给蛇画脚。没等他结束,就有人画完了蛇,说道:“蛇哪里 有脚,你怎么能给它画脚呢?所以第 一个画好蛇的人是我。 ”

“To paint feet for snake” comes from a Chinese folktale. Now it is used for people who think themselves clever but screw things up instead by doing unnecessary things. It is said that a group of people in the State Chu were drinking together, but the bottle of wine was too little to serve all. One person suggested a snake drawing competition, and the first to finish could have the wine. One candidate drew quickly, and to showed off his techniques he began to add feet for the snake. However, another candidate finished while he was still adding feet, arguing, “Snakes don’t have feet, you shouldn’t have added those. So I’m the real winner.”

