


With the economic and social development, China's population structure has undergone significant changes,and the country is stepping into an aging society. The number of elderly people in China will continue to grow,and the trend of population aging will become more apparent. In order to address the various challenges brought by population aging, the country is actively taking measures to increase support for elderly care. By reforming the social security system, the government continuously increases social security funds and gradually expands the coverage of social security to benefit more elderly people. The government also encourages various social organizations to provide services for the elderly.With the joint efforts of the government and social organizations, the elderly will lead happier lives.
①随着经济与社会的发展,中国人口结构发生了显著变化,逐渐步入老龄化社会。②中国老年人口将持续增加,人口老龄化趋势将更加明显。③为了应对人口老龄化带来的种种挑战,国家正积极采取措施,加大对养老的支持。④通过改革社会保障(social security)制度,政府不断增加社会保障经费,逐步扩大社会保障覆盖范围,使更多老年人受益。⑤政府还鼓励各种社会团体为老年人提供服务。⑥在政府和社会团体的共同努力下,老年人将生活得更加幸福。


1.第 一句中“随着……的发展”是四六级考试中的常考表达,除了上述翻译,还可译为Withthe development ofthe economy and the society。“发生了显著变化”是动宾结构,翻译为has undertaken significant changes,若要将“发生”翻译为“take place”需要调整语序,即significant changes have taken place,还可以直接将“发生”处理为动词,翻译为changedsignificantly。
2.第二句中的两个动词“持续增加”和“更加……”主语不同,因此将整个句子翻译为由and并列衔接的两个简单句。句中关键词“老年人口”还可以翻译为the aging population。
3.第三句中的“为了……”是目的状语的标志词,可处理为不定式结构或In order to.。加大对养老的支持是国家采取措施的目的,为此用不定式to do...进行翻译。
4.第四句分句较多,需要理清句子内部的关系。句子的主干部分是“政府不断增加………,“逐步扩大……”。而“通过……”和“使……”则可以分别处理为方式状语和目的状语,用介词短语By/Through...和不定式短语to do...进行翻译。
5.第五句中需要使用encourage sb.to do sth.的结构,表示“鼓励某人做某事”
6.第六句中的“在……的共同努力下”翻译为介词短语with the joint eforts of.;“老年人将生活得更加幸福”需使用live/lead a...life这一短语来表达。


人口结构 population structure      步入老龄化社会 step into an aging society

应对挑战 address/meet the challenge      经费 funds/expenditure/investment
社会团体 social group/organization      发生了显著变化 undergo significant changes
趋势 trend      采取措施 take/adopt measures
扩大……覆盖范围 expand the coverage of...      共同努力 joint efforts


