

英语六级备考建议大家多多积累英语作文的高 分词汇,记些亮点词汇和固定句型,这样在写作的时候才能拿上分,今天文都四六级为大家盘点近年作文真题及范文,大家赶紧跟着小编一起来练一练吧~

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes  to write an essay that begins with  the sentence “People are now increasingly aware of the ‘digital gap’ or challenges the elderly face in a digital world.”  You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences  to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


本次六级作文题目考查的是当前热点话题——数字鸿沟。考生需要对此话题做出评价, 还需要按照题目要求通过例子或个人经历给予充分的论证。考生需要重点注意的是,此篇作 文需要以“People are now increasingly aware of the ‘digital gap ’ or challenges the elderly face in  a digital world. ”开头。


第 一段:明确“数字鸿沟 ”这一写作话题,并分析背后造成的原因。

第二段:即点明为了缩小“数字鸿沟 ”我们应该怎么做,尤其要针对题干中提及的老年 人面临的数字鸿沟问题,应该采取什么措施, 以及这么做的原因。

第三段:总结全文,再次强调弥补“数字鸿沟 ”的重要性。

 必 备词汇 

gender [ˈdʒendə(r)] n.性别

contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] v.做贡献;捐赠 digital gap  数字鸿沟

access to...  获得……的渠道

narrow/bridge the gap  缩小差距

put forward  提出,推出

every front of our society  社会的方方面面

smartphone  智能手机

financial institute  金融机构

acclimate sb. to  使某人适应

revolving [rɪˈvɒlvɪŋ] a.旋转的

prosperity [prɒˈsperəti] n.繁荣,成功

have-nots  贫民

as a result  结果

information era  信息时代

carry out  施行

digital payment  数字支付

QR code  二维码(quick response code) 

get left behind  被甩在后面

help sb. with  帮助某人做

take into account sth./take sth. into account/take account of sth.  考虑到,顾及到  


People are now increasingly aware of the ‘digital  gap ’ or challenges the  elderly face in a digital world. The reason is that more information flows throughout the entire society, and yet the access to information and technology varies between gender, class, and age group. As a result, a wider gap exists between “information haves” and “information have-nots,” and thus digital gapappears.

To narrow the digital gap, especially for the elderly in this information era, programs should be put forward to help acclimate them to the digital transformation in almost every front of our society. For example, digital payment may pose difficulty for elderly citizens, who can be baffled by the  features  on  smartphones  and  QR  codes,  and  so  on.  To  help  them  with  this,  financial institutes  and relative  administrations  and  organizations  can  carry  out  educational projects, to ensure they do not get left behind by the fast revolving wheel of social development, for they have contributed their youths to our country’s present prosperity.

Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole  society are needed to bridge the “digital gap” .


People are now increasingly aware of            or            . The reason is that more            , and yet            . As a result, a wider gap exists between             , and thus            appears.

To            , especially for the elderly in this information era,            should be put forward to  . For example,            may pose difficulty for             , who can be baffled by           , and so on. To help them with this,            can carry out             , to ensure            , for they have            .

Taking into account what has been mentioned, concerted efforts in the whole  society are needed to            .


