
2023年12月  二套

Directions: Suppose the university newspaper is inviting submissions fom the students for itscoming edition on what in their university impresses them most. You are now to write an essay folsubmission. You will have 30 minutes to write the essay. You should write at least 120 words but nomore than 180 words.


       题目要求学生向校园报纸提交一篇“大学里令自己印象最 深刻的是什么”的文章,考生需要围绕这一主题进行投稿。但是题干没有具体规定令人印象深刻的对象,因此,考生可以有多种选择。本次写作围绕“学术氛围”展开,在进行具体描述时,应着重强调校园学术氛围的独特性,以凸显印象深刻。




vibrant ['varbrnt]a.充满活力的,生机勃勃的      overwhelmed [,auvo'welmd]a.淹没的,压倒的
subject ['sabd3rkt]n.学科,科目      commitment[ko'mitmant]n.奉献,投入
emphasis ['emfosrs]n.强调,重要      incredibly [In'kredobli]ad.难以置信地,非常地
academic [,cka'demrk]a.学业的,学术的      passionate ['paJnat]a.热诚的,狂热的
adventure lad'vent∫(r)]n.冒险      inclusivity [ inklu:'srvitr]n.包容性
internship ['mnt3:nip]n.实习生,实习期      professional [pro'feln(a)1]a.职业的


       The thing that impresses me most at our university is its vibrant academic atmosphere. Fromthe moment I stepped onto the campus, I was overwhelmed by the energy and enthusiasm of myclassmates.
       The accountable reasons are as follows. Firstly, the professors are not only knowledgeablebut also passionate about their subjects, making every lecture an exciting adventure. Moreover, theuniversity's commitment to diversity and inclusivity is truly remarkable. Students from albackgrounds come together to learn and grow, creating a rich and diverse academic communityLastly, the university's emphasis on practical learning through internships, research opportunitiesand community service projects has been incredibly beneficial to my personal and professionaldevelopment. These experiences have not only enhanced my academic knowledge but have alsotaught me valuable life skills.
       In conclusion, the university's academic excellence, diverse community, and commitment topractical learning are what truly set it apart and make it a place that I am proud to be a part of.


       The thing that impresses me most at our university is its____. From the moment I steppedonto the campus, I was overwhelmed by____.
       The accountable reasons are as follows. Firstly,____.Moreover, the university'scommitment to____is truly remarkable. Students from all backgrounds come together to learnand grow, creating a rich and diverse academic community. Lastly, the university's emphasis on____has been incredibly beneficial to my personal and professional development. Theseexperiences have not only enhanced my academic knowledge but have also taught me valuablelife skills.
       In conclusion, the university's ____ are what truly set it apart and make it a place that I amproud to be a part of.

