

Voice 2: Genie's story is very sad. No child should ever experience abuse. But Genie's story isalso important. It shows how much people, especially children, need love and care. Abuse canaffect children in many ways. In Genie's case, the abuse affected her body. She did not growcorrectly. It affected her ability to use language. It affected her ability to live a normal life.


Voice 1: People can find healing from the damage done by abuse. Some people find healingby talking with other people about their experiences with abuse. Talking to someone in achurch can be a good way to start the healing process. All children need to feel love. It is thejob of parents to provide that love.If no one cares for the child, he will not grow up correctly. What can you do to protect and care for children in your community? What can you do tohelp stop child abuse?




