丽江古城位于云南省西北部,是纳西族聚居的地方。它建于宋代(the Song Dynasty),距今已有800年的历史,其原貌得以保存完整。自古以来,古城就是远近闻名的集市。它是中国历史文化名城中没有城墙的古城。古城里的建筑深受纳西、白、藏(Tibetan)、汉四个民族建筑艺术的影响,充满了浓厚的中华文化气息。1997年,丽江被列入世界文化遗产名录(World Heritage Sites)。
Located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, theancient town of Lijiang is home to the Naxi ethnicminority. It was built 800 years ago in the SongDynasty and its original look has been kept intact.It has been a very well-known market since theancient times. Among all the famous histories andcultural cities and towns in China, it is the only one built without walls, The architecture of Lijingis deeply influenced by the arts of building of four nationalities, namely Naxi, Tibetan, and Han,and is of rich flavor of Chinese culture. In 1997, it was listed into the World Heritage.