



洛阳纸贵是一个出自中国古代的成语, 比喻作品很有价值流传很广泛。晋朝文学家 (litterateur)左思小时候非常顽皮,也不爱读书,其父经常为此发脾气。一次小左思听到他 父亲抱怨儿子不好学,难过的左思下定决心要好好学习。一直坚持努力读书的左思长成了一 位很有学问的人,其《三都赋》(Ode to Capitals of the Three Kingdoms)广受当时群众喜爱。 由于当时只能互相抄写传阅,导致京城洛阳的纸张都不够用,带动全城的纸张涨价,变得很 贵。

“The paper in Luoyang is too expensive” comes from an ancient Chinese story. It is used to show  the  great  value  and  overwhelming  popularity  of  literature  works.  There  was  a  famous litterateur named Zuo Si in the Jin Dynasty, who was very naughty and hated study during his boyhood. His father blamed him a lot for this. One day, little Zuo Si heard his father complaining about him not being devoted to study, which made Zuo Si down and determine to study hard. His industriousness in learning has made him a knowledgeable person. His famous literary work Ode to Capitals of the Three Kingdoms was a great hit. Because people can only transcribe to circulate at that time, the paper was soon in short supply in Luoyang, the capital. As a result, the price of paper rose up high.


