由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。就是大学四年,所授课业也还是相当粗浅的学识。世人常称大学为“最 高 学 府”,这名称易滋误解,好像过此以上即无学问可言。大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在,在这里做学问也只能算是粗涉藩篱,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习。学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短,所以古人皓首穷经,头发白了还是在继续研究,不过在这样的研究中确是有浓厚的趣味。
From elementary school to middle school, what has been learned is nothing but some basically common knowledge.Even what you are imparted during four-year university is also something superficial.Universities are usually referred to “the highest educational institution”which tends to breed the illusion that there is no more to learn after university.The research institutes of universities are just the places where knowledge is primarily studied.but even there you get only the first taste of learning where emphasis is on research methodology and practice.There is no satiety in study,and one's whole life is still not enough for learning.That's why ancient people continued with study even when their hair had turned hoary.However,indeed there was strong interest in this process.
“基本知识”: basically common knowledge《学问与趣闻》,作者梁实秋,中国著 名的散文家,学者,文学批评家,翻译家,国内第 一个研究莎士比亚的权 威人士。