Questioning is the progress of mind and the motivation of study.All the knowledge is acquired through questioning,and inventions or innovations often start from questioning.Those who question and are diligent in questioning are in possession of an increasingly enriched mind as well as increasingly sharp vision.He can offer amazing views on things that people would least set mind on;he can make unusual sense out of things taken as common by ordinary people.Although all of us cannot be great scientists of great philosophers,we should not give up learning or understanding.Qusetions are so common in the pursuit of knowledge and on the way to understanding.What a shame to be not diligent in questioning!
“发问”questioning/asking questions。
“动力”driving force/motivation。 2.别人不肯动脑筋的地方,他偏会想出惊人的见解;别人以为平常的事物,他偏会看出不平常的道理
“不肯动脑筋”least set mind on。
“惊人的见解”amazing views/insights。
“看出不平常的道理”make unusual sense out of…
作者启凡,30年代前后,常有文章在《中学生》杂志等刊物上发表。《发问的精神》就是其中的一篇。从该文有关语句可知本文是作者当年专门为中学生写的。本文议论了关于发问的精神,作者提倡发问,认为发问精神非常可贵。阐述这些看法,主要采用了提出正面论点和提出反面论点相结合的方法。在提出论题后,先提出正面论点,列举事例从正面论述,然后提出反面论点,用讲道理逐层深入论证,正反结合,强调发问的重要,发问精神的可贵,提 高人们对发问精神的认识。