
在备考英语四级考试的时候,建议考生多看一些翻译或写作方面的预测话题及范文,积累一些亮点词汇和句式表达,做到肚子里有“货”,这样上考场时才能自信满满。今天文都四六级 和大家分享2020年上半年英语四级作文范文:阅读喜好,希望对您有所帮助。

Reading Preferences

It can be seen from the table that popular fiction is most popular with American students, accounting for 65.9% of book circulation in the library. General nonfiction comes next, taking up 18.2%, while books concerning science, technology and education take up only 10.8%. The least preferred category is that of art, literature and poetry, with a circulation rate of merely 5.1%.

A number of factors could account for the reading preferences, but the following are the most critical ones. Firstly, popular fiction is fascinating to the young students. Secondly, books about science and technology are usually too complex and difficult to read. They often contain many special terms which most students can't understand. Finally, in today's market economy, much more emphasis is laid on practical and vocational books rather than arts or poetry.

When it comes to me, poetry and art are my favorites. Such kind of books can nourish my mind, broaden my horizons and render me a fresh feeling. Reading a piece of good poetry tends to relieve my burden and lessen my tension, making me more creative and dynamic. It gets me into an imaginary world, fresh and beautiful. I just love it!




