


Punctuality means observing regular or appointed time. A man who gets up at seven o'clockevery morning is punctual. A man who has promised to call on a friend at five o'clock in theafternoon and actually does so at that hour is also punctual

Punctuality is a good habit, and unp unctuality a bad one. A few minutes' delay may not be aserious matter, but it may have bad results. Get ting up five minutes later than usual mayupset the plan of the day. Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time maycause him some unexpected trouble. Moreover, habitual unpunctuality leads to indolenceand even failure in life. One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself. It alsoproves him to be unt rustworthy .

Those who are unpunctual should try their best to get rid of their bad habit. In doing this, theyshould avoid making any kind of exception. They should never say to themselves: "A fewminutes' delay does not mat ter this time. Is hall never be unpunctual again." Those who thinkin this way will find excuses for delay from time to time, and will at last give up the attempt tocultivate the good habit.

Like all other good habits, punctuality becomes second nature with those who have dulycultivated it.




