

今天是2019年11月23日,四级口语考试拉开帷幕。宠物在当今这个时代是个非常熟悉的话题,许多学生家里都养着各种各样的小宠物。因此,抽到这场题目的同学应该会比较轻松,各位同学可以联系目前的社会家庭结构来展开为了帮助大家顺利通过四级口语考试,文都英语老师将会在 时间为各位考生提供最贴心的口语考试小提示。下面是文都四六级网站四级口语栏目为大家分享2019年11月四级口语真题个人陈述动物在家庭中的角色内容,供参考。


个人陈述的主题为 “The Roles of Pets in family”,那么接下来,我们来看一下就“动物在家庭中的角色”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述:


The Roles of Pets in Family(动物在家庭中的角色)

As for the role of pets in our family, psychologists have conducted a series of experiments to determine the role that pets play in improving happiness in our daily life. As the competition becomes more and more fierce, people always shoulder great pressure and endure different difficulties and dilemmas. An increasing number of people choose to feed pets as a better way to diffuse pressure, which could contribute to the harmonious family atmosphere. Compared with those without pets, pets owners could receive as much support from their pets as they did family members. What’s more, we, only-child generation, always attach more importance to study and work, neglecting the feeling and emotion of the elder, which does exert harmful influence on the relationship between family members. With the company of pets, the elder could enjoy more joy and avoid the feeling of being lonely. With the coming of boom in aging population, the Chinese have been experiencing a pet boom in recent years and it can be predicted that the role of pets in family will become more and more vital.


