

2019年的双十一刚刚落下帷幕,如火如荼的大学英语四六级的口语考试也即将拉开帷幕,今年准备备战四级的小盆友们是否一直都在为自己蹩脚的英语口语而苦恼?我们如何才能够充分备考四级口语,顺利通过此次的口语考试呢?四级口语考试包括自我介绍、短文朗读、简短回答、个人陈述和两人互动三个环节。今天,文都四六级教研英语老师给大家带来2019年11月四级口语考试中的个人陈述环节的两个相关预测话题,并提供给大家一些考试中的英文表达素材,希望能够帮助大家一起顺利备考,顺利通 过四级口语考试!

1)The Importance of Food Safety(食品安全的重要性)

Food safety related to people’s health and it concerns about people’s basic livelihood. As the Chinese proverb says, “Food is the paramount necessity of the people.” People obtain nutrients from food, but if the food becomes unsafe, it may cause serious health problems. People may contract all kinds of disease, some of which can be fatal. To solve this problem, we have three strategies here: 1) to improve the overall awareness of food safety: when buying food, people need to see the production date, manufactures, and the guarantee period, etc.; 2) to improve the standards as soon as possible: a better regulation mechanism, legal and standard system as well as technical support for food safety should be set out; 3) to improve the moral qualities of the whole nation.

2)The Importance of Helping Each Other in Daily Life (生活中互相帮助的重要性)

As the old saying goes, “Roses given, Fragrance in hand.” We are living in a complicated society where we may encounter various troubles. Helping each other is not only good for ourselves but also conducive to the harmony of the whole society. No one can deny the importance of it.

For those who are in trouble, obtaining helps from others can help them get out of trouble more smoothly and thus sense the warmth of society. Besides, those who offer a helping hand are more likely to improve their sense of gratification and achievement by fulfilling their personal value.

At no time should we underestimate the power of a helping hand. Accordingly, under no circumstances should we decline to help others when they are in need. Besides, we should be grateful for those who provide us with help when we are in trouble. Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a harmonious society.







