四级口语考试即将开始了,作为一名在校大学生,英语口语证书似乎也纳入了大学必考证书之列。想要顺利通 过英语四级口语考试,势必要下一番功夫。今天文都四六级网为大家分享2019历年英语四级口语真题:保护牙齿,希望对您有所帮助。
一. The significance of protecting our teeth
Generally speaking, a charming smile will lighten our life and make others happy. And white teeth are to the smile what water is to fish. A welcoming show of pearly whites makes a great first impression, while a tight-lipped smile or whiff of bad breath does the opposite. In addition, it is a fact that the healthy teeth are the factor with the greatest influence on our confidence. This is why we should pay more attention to our teeth.
二. How to protect our teeth
1. Brush at least two times a day for two minutes
Brushing the teeth is fundamental to protecting the teeth. It is necessary to brush your teeth and tongue with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, which are effective to clean food and bacteria from your mouth. Brushing also washes out particles that eat away at your teeth and cause cavities.
2. Stay away from soda
It’s not just sugar soda, but diet soda, too, that harms teeth. The acid in soda attacks teeth. Once acid eats away at enamel, it goes on to create cavities, leaves stains on the tooth surface, and erodes the inside structure of the tooth. To avoid drinking-related tooth decay, limit soft drinks and take good care of your teeth.
3. Check your teeth regularly
If you haven’t checked your teeth recently, you might consider visiting a dentist. This type of dental medical center offers all kinds of services to their patients, kind of like a Perfect Smile Spa. Your teeth may be simply sensitive to cold weather because they are cracked or have enamel which is either weakened or thin.
4. Try to use floss in your life
Flossing loosens the particles that brushing misses. It also removes plaque, and in so doing prevents the buildup of tartar. While it’s easy to brush plaque away, you need a dentist to remove tartar.