


  21-30  BADCC  DDDDD

  31-40  CBACC  BACCD

  41-50  ACCCD  DAADD

  51-60  BCBDC  CABBC

  61-70  DBCAC  DAADC

  Part Ⅳ

  71.【参考译文】 过去的十年间,人们——特别是青年人——逐渐意识到需要改变其饮食习惯,因为他们吃的许多食品尤其是精制食品不利于健康。

  72.【参考译文】 一种有趣的现象表明,只要人们的饮食含有大量的粗面粉和蔬菜,某些疾病在那些国家就相应减少。

  73.【参考译文】 计算机不仅能收集信息,还能以收集信息的同样快的速度把它们储存起来,一旦需要就可以随时将它们输送出来。

  74.【参考译文】 我们有把握地说在未来的一段时间内,我们的大脑至少要比计算机复杂一万倍。我们怎么使用它们是由我们而不是由计算机决定的。

  75.【参考译文】 从每一本书不足一美分的利润中,韦布斯特赚取了他后半生的大部分收入。


  A certain amount of advertising is of an informative kind, the aim simply being to let consumers know what goods and services are available—“consumer education” as it is sometimes called. Most advertising, however, is of a persuasive or competitive kind, the aim of which is to persuade people to buy one thing rather than something else.

  Advertising is a selling cost particularly associated with imperfect competition. Advertising is a way of marketing goods. In the sale of branded goods, advertising is essential in order to try to impress on consumers that one maker's brand is superior to all others, although in fact the only difference between brands may sometimes be in their trade marks and labels.

  Any producer with some degree of monopoly, however slight, will generally find it more advantageous to advertise his products widely and at considerable expense rather than cut his prices.

