2016年12月英语六级阅读Passage Two参考范文及解析


  浓浓的雾霾已经褪去,2016年下半年全国大学英语六级考试终于落下帷幕。不少小伙伴为了今年12月份的英语六级考试挥洒着汗水和泪水,为了帮助大家顺利通过六级考试,文都英语老师将根据今年的英语六级真题答案——阅读部分考题passage two:青少年的心理问题,为大家提供参考答案,希望能有所裨益。

  Section C   Passage Two

  51. [C]

  Teenagers’ mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed.

  解析:答案定位在文章段, “Teenagers at risk of depression, anxiety and suicide often wear their troubles like a neon(霓虹灯)sign. Their risky behaviors—drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, smoking cigarettes and skipping school—can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing.” 在这个段落中指出,青少年经历在这样的危险中:抑郁,焦虑和自杀,且危险愈来愈烈;这些行为:饮酒过度,吸食毒品,吸烟及逃学旷课,警示着父母及老师。通过文中的“neon(霓虹灯)sign” 到就可以选出正确选项C:


  52. [D] Many hitherto unobserved youngsters may have psychological problems.

  解析:答案定位在文章第三段的句“Of course, that may sound like a description of every teenager on the planet”(似乎地球上的所有年轻人都有这些心理问题),其中“a description of every teenager on the planet”直接对应题目中的many hitherto unobserved youngsters,因此就可以选出正确选项D:


  53. [B] Their behaviors do not constitute a warning signal.

  解析:答案定位在文章第三段最后一句“Because their behaviors are not usually seen as a red flag, these young people have been dubbed the“invisible risk”group by the study’s authors”,其中“as a red flag(危险信号)”直接对应题目中的a warning signal(危险的信号),由此就可以选出正确选项B:


  54. [A] They are almost as liable to depression as the high-risk group.

  解析:答案定位在文章第七段,“The group that scored high on all nine of the risk behaviors was most likely to show symptoms of depression; in all, nearly 15% of this group reported being depressed., compared with just 4% of the low-risk group. But the invisible group wasn’t far behind the high-risk set,with more that 13%of them exhibiting depression.”。通过分析段落中的数据不难得出,具有较高危险行为的学生群体的数据近乎15%,而这些 invisible group的数据为13%,由此可以选出正确选项D:


  55. [B] It provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.

  解析:答案定位在文章最后一段,“Carli says that one of the most significant things about this study is that it provides new early-warning signs for parents, teachers and mental health-care providers.”,选项B“ It provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.”直接对应文中的it provides new early-warning signs for parents, teachers and mental health-care providers, 由此就可以选出正确选项D:



  2016年12月大学英语四六级真题及答案解析专题 已上线,请广大考生查看,考生可轻按Ctrl+D,添加收藏。大学英语四六级考试已于12月17日下午5点25分结束,关注文都四六级考试网(cet46.wendu.com),了解更多英语四六级考试资讯。








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