

  Part Ⅴ


  ふ馐且黄议论文,要求根据提纲来展开论述。论述时应层次分明,先列举打工仔给城市生 活带来哪些巨大变化,然后再论述与此同时打工仔所造成的一些问题,并在此基础上表明 立场和态度,即如何正确对待和解决问题,不能以偏概全,失之偏颇。

  本篇作文题目是社会上的关注问题。在范文中,段先指出打工仔涌向城市这一社会现 象,并列举了打工仔给城市生活提供了种种便利,以及满足了城市对劳动力的需求,最后总 结说打工仔有利于城市发展。在列举时,作者使用了besides来连接上下文,使文章更连贯 。第二段以“However”开头,转入打工仔的负面影响,承上启下。同样采取列举法,通过 “secondly, thirdly”加强文章的逻辑性。最后一段表明立场,并结合上两段简述正确的 态度,总结全文。 

  Sample Writing

  Migrant Workers

  Each year, attracted by job opportunities, thousands of migrant workers rush i nto cities to better their life. While fulfilling their personal desires, these migrant workers also provide urban residents with more conveniences by working i n all walks of life. Besides, they meet the emergent needs of work force in som e industries such as construction and help to quicken the steps of city construc tion through their hard work, therefore contributing a lot to the city’s social and economic development.

  However, cities are, at the same time, confronted with many problems created b y migrant workers. For example, too many migrant workers result in overcrowded space and thus cause housing problem; secondly, they make a mess of city’s envi ronment by littering casually; and thirdly, migrant population may create diffic ulties in carrying familyplanning policy, etc.

  But we can’t expel migrant workers from cities just because of the above prob lems.

  We should adopt correct attitudes towards them and take effective measures to so lve them. We firmly believe that migrant workers will be of greater help to city life in future.



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