

  Part Ⅴ




   范文中,作者段写了 98洪水造成的损失,包括受灾面积、伤亡人数,经济损失以及受灾最为严重的省份。作者用了一系列数字,给人以清楚明了,可信之感。一些用词如claimed, deluge等,都用得非常贴切、地道。第二段写了江主席及党中央对受灾地区和人民的关心以及广大军民奋战洪水的经过,最后取得抗洪救灾的胜利。最后一段着手揭示了抗洪胜利的意义和留给我们的启示。作者主要从三个方面加以阐述。首先指出了它对维护社会安定团结和保障改革开放顺利进行具有极其重要的意义,这是从整体上来说的。其次又从政治上指明了这一胜利反映了中国共产党领导下的人民军队的团结和力量以及社会主义的优越性。最后又指出了中国共产党领导下的中国人民和人民军队是不可战胜的,中国的二十一世纪是充满前途和希望的。结尾显得极具号召性,鼓舞人心。虽然第三段内容较多,但作者对内容的合理安排使得读起来非常流畅,丝毫不拖泥带水。


  Sample Writing

  The 1998 Summer Flood

  The calamitous floods this year claimed the lives of more than three thousand people, 1,320 being killed along the Yangtse River. The deluge in the summer flooded 21 million hectares of land in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Direct economic losses caused by the floods have hit 166.6 billion yuan (U.S.$20 billion). Jianxi, Hunan, Hubei, Heilongjang and Jilin provinces and the Inner Mogolian Autonomous Region have suffered the most serious damages.

  President Jiang Zemin and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCCP) were greatly concerned about the floods. President Jiang and other top leaders went personally to the anti瞗lood front and directed troops and civilians to fight against the floods. Jiang ordered the troops to give their all to safeguard the dykes. The battle against the summer flood involved 8 million people and 274,000 soldiers and armed police. Soldiers and local residents battled courageously and worked tenaciously to hold back raging flood waters and achieved an ultimate victory. They protected the safety of levees, major cities along the rivers and main railway lines and saved untold lives. As President Jiang said, “We have successfully waged a ‘People's War' in advance of the new century.”

  The monumental success will have far瞨eaching significance in terms of helping to maintain the social stability required by reform, opening up and modernization construction. The victory has once again clearly revealed the cohesiveness and tenacity of the forces of the Communist Party of China and its leaders, the superiority of socialism and the reliability of our army. The victory over the 1998 summer flood also shows that the Chinese people and army, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, is invincible. They can overcome any difficulties and hardships to win successes in advance of the new century.




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