解析:What does Pollick think about this system?波利克是如何看待该系统的?A.It enables shops to better monitor customers.它让商店能更好地监视顾客。B.It has a wide range ofpotential applications.它有广泛的应用前景。C.It is more useful than previous researches.它比之前的研究更有用。
D.It can divide emotion states into different types.它能把情绪状态分成不同类型。
What are ordinary workers more likely to do,according to Pew’ssurvey?根据皮尤的调查,普通员工更可能做什么?
A.To view thcir work 88 a career.把工作看作事业。
B.To be satisfied with other aspects oflife.对生活的其他方面感到满意。C.To tllink the pay is less than it should be.认为薪酬比应得到的低。
D.To consider children a motive to their advancement.认为孩子是晋升的动力。
解析:What does the author think about the finding that managers have more jobsatisfaction?作者如何看待管理者工作满意度高这一调查结果?
A.It is surprising given the headaches that come with being aboss.考虑到当老板的麻烦事,这让人惊讶。
B.It is reasonable since managers are easierto be satisfied.由于管理者更容易满足,所以是理的。C.It is surprising given the long working hours.考虑到较长工作时间,这让人惊讶。
D.It is reasonable since managers tend to be older.由于管理者年龄较大,所以这是理的。
解析:which of the following things are valued from most to least when workerS consider ajob?员工在考虑工作时,会从重到轻地看重哪些事情?
A.Enjoyable work,income,promotion opportunity.工作舒心、收入、晋升机会。
B.Job security,enjoyable work,promotion opportunity.工作保障、工作舒心、晋升机会。C.Enjoyable work,promotion opportunity,job security.工作舒心、晋升机会、工作保障。D.Job security,more time to care for family,income.工作保障、更多时间照顾家庭、收入。
解析:what Can we learn about Pew’S finding on gender inequality in theworkplace?我们可以从皮尤关于职场中性别不平等的调查结果中得出什么?
A.The country has made little effort to solve this problem.国家一直没有努力解决这个问题。B.Bosses and workers had been expected to differ in their attitudes toward thisissue.老板和员工原本被认为在这个问题上有不同的态度。
C.Bosses and workers had been expected to think alike On some unimportantissues.老板和员工原本被认为在不重要的问题上会想法一致。
D.Bad bosses tend to exploit male workers rather than femaleworkers.坏老板会剥削男员工而不是女员工。
解析:What can we learn from the last paragraph?我们可以从最后一段得出什么?
A.The stress associated with being in charge is overestimated做主管的压力被高估了。B.Workers are more likely to feel confused about their work.员工更容易对工作感到困惑。C.More control and money can lead to trouble.更多的控制力和金钱能带来麻烦。D.Managers tend to be in dangerous situations.管理者总处于危险境地。
1.句中翻译“惊蛰”这一文化词时采用音译加注,即Jingzhe(the Waking ofInsects)
,也方便下文的翻译,“一般在每年3月5日或6日”直接处理为一个时间状语,即usually on March 5th or 6theach year
2.第二句中“这时”应根据语境译为from that day on;“气温回升较快,渐渐开始出现春雷,各种冬眠的昆虫也开始活动”直接直译为三个并列句即可。3.第三句,为了使译文意思表达准确,采用增译,译时增加了In Chinese(在汉语中. 。
4.第四句是一个长句,译时要拆译;“过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇”这一谚语中“节”和“歇”是押韵的,翻译时应该在忠实于原文意思的同时尽量保持形式一致,所以,译为After the insects awaking,do not stop springploughing.
5.第五句也是一长句,首先我们译时拆分,“但各种病毒和细菌也开始活跃”这本是一个转折的小句,但译时直接处理为一个伴随状语,即including all sorts of viruses and bacteria “因此也应该做好流行性疾病的预防工作”这一主动语态的结果状语从句,翻译时采用了被动语态,即Hence,prevention of epidemic diseasesshould be well prepared,too,使得译文表达更地道贴切。
66.A解析:What can we learn from the last paragraph?我们可以从最后一段得出什么?A.The stress associated with being in charge is overestimated做主管的压力被高估了。B.Workers are more likely to feel confused about their work.员工更容易对工作感到困惑。C.More control and money can lead to trouble.更多的控制力和金钱能带来麻烦。D.Managers tend to be in dangerous situations.管理者总处于危险境地。 67.解析:难点注释1.句中翻译“惊蛰”这一文化词时采用音译加注,即Jingzhe(the Waking ofInsects),也方便下文的翻译,“一般在每年3月5日或6日”直接处理为一个时间状语,即usually on March 5th or 6theach year2.第二句中“这时”应根据语境译为from that dayon;“气温回升较快,渐渐开始出现春雷,各种冬眠的昆虫也开始活动”直接直译为三个并列句即可。3.第三句,为了使译文意思表达准确,采用增译,译时增加了In Chinese(在汉语中. 。4.第四句是一个长句,译时要拆译;“过了惊蛰节,春耕不能歇”这一谚语中“节”和“歇”是押韵的,翻译时应该在忠实于原文意思的同时尽量保持形式一致,所以,译为After the insects awaking,do not stop springploughing.5.第五句也是一长句,首先我们译时拆分,“但各种病毒和细菌也开始活跃”这本是一个转折的小句,但译时直接处理为一个伴随状语,即including all sorts of viruses and bacteria “因此也应该做好流行性疾病的预防工作”这一主动语态的结果状语从句,翻译时采用了被动语态,即Hence,prevention of epidemic diseasesshould be well prepared,too,使得译文表达更地道贴切。
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