
<iframe id="eastIframe4" style="border: 0px;" height=" and almost all of the new middle" width=" complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.  Suggestions for Your Work

  Annie is a longtime secretary/receptionist for two senior vice presidents at a big company. They have been doing a lot of hiring lately" src="http://wenduwx.7east.cn/wplayvideo.html?userid=38328004&username=freeuser&randomstr=383280&lid=10&serial=9b1cdbde7b7e9a8263abfd772a8180c7&width= complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

  Suggestions for Your Work

  Annie is a longtime secretary/receptionist for two senior vice presidents at a big company. They have been doing a lot of hiring lately&height= and almost all of the new middle"></iframe>
