
gain on跑得比…快/逼近

generation gap代沟

get about走动/旅行

get above oneself变得自高自大

get across使通过/使被理解

get ahead进步/获得成功

get along过活/相处融洽/进展

get along with与···友好相处/有进展

get around规避(法律等)/走动

get at到达/了解/查明

get away逃脱/离开/出发

get back at报复

get by通过/走过/侥幸躲过

get down从…下来/下车/写下

get down to开始认真考虑或对待

get down to work认真开始工作

get hold of一把抓住/掌握/得到

get in收获/收(税等)/抵达

get into对…发生兴趣/卷入

get into debt借债/负债

get into the act插手…以便得到好处

get off下车/离开/开始

get on骑上(马等)/过活

get on to知道/意识到

get on with与…友好相处/继续干

get one's hands on得到/找到/占有

get out离去/(消息等)泄漏

get out of逃避/摆脱/改掉

get over克服(困难等)

get ready(使)准备好

get rid of摆脱/除去

get the best of胜过/打赢

get the better of打败/智胜

get through到达/完成/接通电话

get together聚集/会面/装配

get up起床/爬上/达到
