


1.唐诗 (Tang poetry)

2.宋词 (Song Ci)

3.元曲 (Yuan opera)

1.贴春联/年画(to paste Chinese couplet/ New Year pictures)

2.放鞭炮(to set off firecrackers)

3.吃饺子(to eat dumplings/jiaozi)

1.文房四宝(the Four Treasures of the Study)书法(calligraphy)(brush, inkstone, ink, paper

2.唐三彩(Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty)

3.四大发明(The Four great inventions)(compass, gunpowder, the technique of papermaking, movable-type printing)

1.少林功夫(shaolin Kongfu)

2.中国戏曲 (Chinese opera)

3.中国杂技(Chinese acrobatics)

1.八大菜系 (the eight major cuisines)

2.四大名楼 (China’s four famous building)(tower)(Pavillion)

3.24节气 (the 24 Solar Terms)

1.秦始皇(Qin Shi Huang )(the First emperor of Qin)

2.汉武帝(Emperor Wu of Han)

3.唐太宗(Emperor Taizong of Tang)

1.脱贫攻坚 (the eradication of poverty)

2.长江三峡 (the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River) (Hydropower station)

3.中国制造 (Made in China)

1.中医 (the traditional Chinese medicine)

2.针灸 (acupuncture)

3.推拿(medical massage)

1.长城 (The Great Wall) 兵马俑 (terracotta warriors and horses)

2.故宫(The Forbidden city)

3.颐和园(the Summer Palace)

1.汉字 (The Chinese character)


3.中国画 (traditional Chinese painting)
