




每年秋季的英语四、六级考试如约而至,根据此次英语六级的作文题目我们发现还是有些难度的,题目的本身理解需要具备一定扎实的英语基础-----What is worth doing is worth doing well; 这是一个典型的主语从句,“值得做的事情,都值得把它做好”。好的,话不多书,现在我们就来一起看看范文吧。


In the grand scheme of life, God will grant us lots of opprtunities to fulfil our dreams. Instead, most of us sleepwalk through our days, doing the things that we’ve learned or we are willing to do, and wondering why none of it feels quite right.

Yes, it’s time to give our idea and dream an opportunity to break the cocoon into a butterfly. Getting an chance and seizing it can be described as a major impact on life. We never know if all of these endeavors lead to something wonderful, but we beliveve that inaction means no effectiveness at all. Most of time, what we could do is give it all we’ve got and to strive for all possibilities.

Whatever the outcome, we will be proud of us. Because the only control is: whatever success or failure, applause or curse, we can learn lessons from the process. So, “willing to try” is perpetually a kind of investment that never loses money.





以上就是文都四六级 英语老师为大家整理的2020年9月大学英语六级写作真题参考范文(一),希望大家都能够顺利通过此次的六级考试!想知道关于英语四六级考试更多精彩内容吗请继续关注文都四六级网 !
