梦文化是中国古代文化的重要组成部分。除了家喻户晓的“庄周梦蝶”,关于梦的古老传说,中国有很多。解梦在中国十分流行,其中最知名的解梦书籍当属《周公解梦》(Duke ofZhou Interprets Dreams )。梦的意义各不相同,古人把梦当作是神的意旨。人们认为梦预示着吉兆和厄运,所以常常参照《周公解梦》一书来解读梦境,通过解梦来得知吉凶祸福的预兆。
Dream Culture
Dream culture is an important part of ancientChinese culture. Besides the household “ZhuangZhou's Dreaming of Becoming a Butterfly”,there aremany old tales about dreams in China. Dreaminterpreting is also popular in China, and the most famous book for dream interpreting iscalled Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams. Different dreams have different meanings, and ancientpeople considered dreams as the implication from God. People believe that dreams can implyauspicious and inauspicious things, so they often interpret their dreams according to Dukeof Zhou Interprets Dreams to get implications of auspiciousness or inauspiciousness.
以上就是文都四六级 给各位同学带来的2020年9月大学英语六级翻译话题,希望对之后备考六级的考生有所助益。同时为了更好的备考以后的英语考试,希望各位同学能够对英语写作加以重视,以便更好的考试分数。