维吾尔族(Uygur)是中国的一个少数民族。维吾尔族人喜欢喝奶茶,吃肉和用面粉烤制的馕(nang)。他们有自己的语言和文字。他们的文学具有一种独特的民族风格,其中“阿凡提的故事”(the Story of Afanti) 中国各族人民的喜爱。维吾尔族是个能歌善舞的民族,每逢节日和婚礼,他们都会邀请客人和他们一起跳传统民间舞蹈。他们的民歌优美动听,被广泛传唱。
The Uygur is a Chinese ethnic minority.Uygur people like to drink milk tea, eat meat and nang baked with flour.They have their own spoken and written languages.Uygur literature is of a unique ethnic style, among which the Story of Afanti is favored by all ethnic groups in China.The Uygur people are good at singing and dancing.They will invite guests to join them in their traditional folk dance in festivals and wedding ceremonies.Their folk songs sound beautiful and are widely sung.
以上就是文都四六级 给各位同学带来的2020年9月大学英语六级翻译话题,希望对之后备考六级的考生有所助益。同时为了更好的备考以后的英语考试,希望各位同学能够对英语写作加以重视,以便更好的考试分数。