秦始皇是中国历史上杰出的政治家、军事家。公元前221年,他统一中国,建立了历史上个统一的、多民族的、高度中央集权的(highly centralized)国家—秦朝,并成为中国个皇帝,自称“始皇帝"。为加强统治,他实施了一系列的改革,如统一文字,修筑长城以抵御外敌。同时,秦始皇也采取了许多残忍的手段,例如烧毁了许多经典书籍并坑杀儒生(Confucius scholar)等等。尽管他的统治残暴(tyranny),但是他仍被很多人认为是中国历史上一个关键人物。
Qin Shi Huang was an outstanding statesman andstrategist in the history of China. In 221 BC heunified the nation, founded Qin Dynasty—the firstunited, multi-national and highly centralized country,and named himself "Shi Huangdi", the first emperorof China. In order to strengthen his rule, he implemented a series of reforms, includingunifying Chinese characters, building the Great Wall to defend against invaders. At the sametime, Qin Shi Huang employed many brutal means, such as burning many classics andburying many Confucius scholars alive. Despite his tyranny, he is still valued by many peopleas a key figure in Chinese history.