

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of optimism. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Without doubt, optimism is a blessing to life.

Compared to people who are pessimistic, optimistic people are often tend to lead a happy life. That is largely because they hold different attitudes towards a same thing. Confronted with a half-spilt milk bottle, for example, the former would frown, stamp angrily or even burst into tears at the loss. They are indeed buried in sorrow and pain. But for the optimistic ones, they would applaud for the rest of the milk and feel lucky. Optimistic people could gather courage more easily than pessimistic ones to face any challenge getting in the way under the guidance of hope.

Optimistic parents are less possibly caught in anxious because they allow failures in their children’s academic examinations and seize every opportunity to guarantee their self-confidence is protected. Optimistic entrepreneurs are more open to the uncertainty in the competitive market and take active measures to get prepared for all kinds of risks.

With all the positive mindsets and effective behaviors brought by optimism, it definitely is a powerful weapon for us to navigate in life course.






