

A Letter of Congratulation


55 Fifth Avenue

New York 10003

October 19th, 2002

Mr. Joseph R. Smith

4903 Ellis Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60607

Dear Mr. Smith,

As soon as I heard of your election to the board of directors of your firm, I felt I must write you to let you know how happy I am in your advancement.

All of your friends have felt that, in spite of the great difficulties you have faced in your climb up through the ranks, the outstanding ability we all recognized in you could not go unacknowledged. This advancement is certainly your due, and I think your firm should also be congratulated on taking advantage more fully of your exceptional talents.

Sincerely yours,

Emil Holgerson


McCormick-Mathers publishing co., inc.


本文是一封信正式的信函, 对某人的职务提升表示祝贺。写这类信函时应注意格式,本文用的是齐头式。本文适合于外企人员, 但祝贺信的写法应为学生所了解, 他们中很多人也会成为外企人员, 也会要求写这类信函。

cet6六级作文模  板句型:

hear of 听到

election to the board of directors of your firm 被选入你公司的董事会

advancement n. 晋升

climb up through the ranks 步步升级

outstanding a. 卓越的

in you 在你身上

could not go unacknowledged 不会被埋没

is certainly your due 你当然应得

exceptional talents 特殊的才能



