


Is Dieting Good or Bad 节食是好还是坏


Write a composition entitled Is Dieting Good orBad. You should write at least 120 words accordingto the outline given below in Chiness.





Is Dieting Good or Bad

In order to keep a slim body and to be moreattractive in appearance, many people, especiallygirls, would like to lose weight by eating less. Somepeople worry that dieting is bad for our health, whileothers don't agree. In my opinion, dieting is not good for most people.


First, dieting is harmful to people's health. It has been proved that if one begins to eat less tokeep slim, he or she will be much weaker than those who don't. Young people's bowels mustwork in an orderly way every day. If a 20-year-old girl eats less than what her body needs, her metabolism will slow down because there is not so much food to be digested each day. As aresult,this young girl will become both physically and mentally slow as a 40-year-old one. Howterrible it is! Second, dieting may affect our lives. In this modem society, people need to bevery energetic to face severe competitions in their study or work. Dieting will surely reducetheir energy and in turn affect their lives badly.

首先,节食是对人们的健康有害。这一点已经得到证明,如果一个人开始少吃来保持身材苗条,他或她将比那些不这样做的人更虚弱。年轻人肠胃必须每天都在有条不紊地工作。如果一个20 岁的女孩吃得比其身体需要的要少,她的新陈代谢会减慢,因为每天没有那么多的食物要消化。结果,这个年轻的女孩在身心方面将变得像一个40 岁的人那么缓慢。这是多么可怕的事情!第二,节食可能会影响我们的生活。在这个现代社会中,人们需要非常有活力来面对学习或工作中繁重的竞争。节食肯定会减少他们的能量,反过来又严重影响他们的生活。

In conclusion, I believe that dieting is not advisable for most people, except for those whoare told to do so by doctors. (203 words)




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