四六级口语考试在即,各位同学是否已经做好准备了呢。面对口语考试,大部分考生都“陷入”哑巴英语的境地,以至于多数考生视四六级口语考试为洪水猛兽,不知如何下手。面对这样的现状,各位考生应该积极应考,大量练习各种话题,以不变应万变。为了更好地帮各位同学考过六级口语考试,文都四六级网特为各位考生准备了备考贴士及口语考试预测,希望能够帮各位考生顺利通 过英语六级考试。

六级口语考试包括以下内容:part1 部分为自我介绍和问答模块,共计2分钟,其中自我介绍用时20秒,回答问题每个考生30秒。Part2 部分为陈述和讨论模块,共计时间8分钟。Part3 为问答模块,时间约为1分钟;文都教育就六级口语陈述模块预测话题题目:The Attitude toward Physical Exercise。


Physical Exercise(体育锻炼)

Physical Exercise does exert great effect on people’s physical condition. When comes to the physical exercise, people show different attitudes. with the acceleration of life pace in modern society, some believe that doing morning exercise can be beneficial to our physical health, while others do consider doing exercise will waste time. From my perspective, physical exercise could be the measurable approach to release pressure and keep healthy.

It is no difficult for us to come up with some possible factors to account for the importance of keeping fit. Initially, with the quickening pace and ever-increasing pressure of urban life, people in growing numbers are suffering either physical or mental problems. With the purpose of keeping health, people respectively choose various sports as their regular exercises because exercise never fails to make us stronger and more energetic. Additionally, the desires for health is universal. What’s more, mental health should also be taken seriously.especially in adversity, we need to maintain an optimistic mentality to pull through life’s pains and sorrows, twists ans turns.

As far as I am concerned, I have a peculiar interest in yoga as a form of exercise. An hour’s exercise everyday usually makes me feel healthier and more vigorous. Besides, I never touch cigarettes or wine, nor do I stay up late. Instead, I keep a balance diet and go to bed before 11o’clock at night, because I believe burning the midnight oil is harmful to health. More importantly, an optimistic attitude toward life makes me confident and persistent. To sum up, all these practices guarantee a healthy body and a happy life. Additionally, mass media should shoulder its responsibility to publish and promote the significance of doing exercise, thus more and more people could realize the essence of physical exercise.





