
微信公众号【文都四六级 】丨官网微博【@文都四六级培训

Bill, please. 请结账

I d like the check, please.

Where should I pay?

It s on me. 我请客。

Oh! How nice!

This is my treat. /I ll treat you.

I ll pay for dinner.

I ll pay for drinks.

I ll take care of it. 我来付

What is this for? 这是什么的钱?

What is this charge for?

What is this amount for?

I m afraid there is a mistake here.

Let s go Dutch. 各付各的

Let s split the bill.

Let s divide the cost.

We d like to pay separately. --All right.

Keep the change. 不用找钱了

May I have a receipt, please? 请开张发票




