

Todd: So I'm here with Olga, who's a health coachand a life coach. You've talked a lot about things weshould do, but what about stopping doing things orbreaking bad habits? That's the hardest thing, right? What's your advice for giving up sugar or alcohol orobsessive behavior, things like that?


Olga: Well, actually, I am not suggesting that people fight with themselves, and they avoid orbreak anything, because that would constitute violence against yourself. I am a student ofMarshall Rosenberg, who developed a nonviolent communication system. Instead oftaking away the bad, you add something good. You find exciting, fun, new habits that willnaturally substitute.


Todd: Okay, so for example, let's say you watch too much TV, or you're addicted to yoursmartphone. You would try to maybe play outside or do something like that.


Olga: Well, you can develop a lot of new habits and see what works for you. One of the thingsthat I discovered for myself is that willpower is a very finite resource. We don't have infiniteamounts of willpower, so we need to use it very sparingly on short distances. It's not formarathons. What I suggest, when you're establishing a new habit that you feel that is the righthabit for you, you need to use a little bit of willpower to repeat it enough times. Usually magicnumber is 21 days.

奥尔加:你可以发展许多新习惯,看看哪些习惯适合你。我的其中一个发现是,意志力是极为有限的资源。我们没有无 限的意志力,因此我们要在短距离中谨慎使用。那不适用于马拉松。我的建议是,当你建立一个新习惯并认为这个习惯适合你时,你要用一些意志力重复足够多次。一般来说,这需要21天。

Todd: Really? 21 days, why 21?


Olga: I have no idea, but this number keeps popping up from different traditions in East andWest and also psychology. I saw it in my own practice that it works.


